Daily National Intelligencer and Washington Express from Washington, District of Columbia (2024)

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Daily National Intelligencer and Washington Expressi

Washington, District of Columbia

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J9 POLITICS THE DAY WASHINGTON inseparable SATURDAY DECEMBER 2 1837 he ed SHIP Port of Alexandria 3 ie lay to receive their money which was not paid 'i of these co ish SPEECH TO BEj CONTINUED 5 on her situated a few doors east A 3 dec I ar in 31 A tothe cunirary provided iS s' iticipation of we presume je cr he lie House to tn extcnrive dd it so 7 to' ty ed 5 73 ry on ld al to of of he ed th ut 2H it 2J to 3 2io3 3 to 4 eh ml nt 16 nd ge iH be for ill hee nbt Inquire at the store of dec 3t 11 1 1 ed IB IB he he nT rt be in dd IL DORSEY Chnptico Maryland LAW BAL(E PEYTON ol Typnesvee having changed hi residence to the city of New Orleansfor the purpose of devoting himself to the practicelof Law ten ders his professional service io the public I URNISHED ROOMSJTO KENT a few doors west of Hotel on ennsylvania Avenue oi CLARKE BRISCOE CO dd i sy Pt EDW SyVVRIGHT TZC WRIGHT Auctioneer a I in ne en of he t0 in on to 8 Carusis assembly rooms Cotillion Party will take (place on Wednesday evening next December Tickets $1 to be hadptt the door The Academy is open on Tuesdays 'priydays and Satur days where dancing waluing nd gyHopadea will be taught in the most fashlpnablc style private lessons given to ladies and gentlemen either al their residence or at the Saloon Scholars admitted to the Cotillion Parties free of charge dec 2 JZ I ONE HUNDRED I)()11A13 REH Ran away from the subscriber living in Alexandria on riday the 24th ultimo a Negro Buy named Edwin ur Ed ward Hanson He is juM twcniy years of age a dark mulaun' five fdet two or three inches high very fat and square built with large features and a dull and heavy countenance his voice is fowl he is slow of speech and generally looks down when spoken to and is remarkably strong and active He on when Hie eloped an old light colored rurtout coat at pair of old brown casshuere pantaloons with a email black stripe and lilac khir hat But having only a few dhya before stolen several hundred dollars (a purl of which only was recovered) he hai no doubt supplied liimseU with other clothe 4 I wjll give twenty dollars for his apprehension if takes in the District of Columbia fifiydollars if fifty miles from the Dis trict piml the above reward of one hundred dollars distance and all reasonable expenses paid if delivered to inc in xahdri'a or secured in jail so that 1 can get him again have Ho doubt it is his intention to go to the North dec eo3t BENJ EN DALL re Ti ed ho in tte DEATHS On Thursday the 30th day of November after a severe illness of four weeks Mr CHARLES LANGLEY in the 56th year of hi age! 4 On Monday evening the 27th ult iri the of Lis age rancis Hawkins Dorsett second aon'ef Mr Dorsett of Anrc Arundel county MJ I exerted to five genera! th their natrhnaire Our dons just received and fur sale 'VZ A youugman who understands book keep iv ing perfectly and writes a fair hand wants a situation Employment being the principal object a very amhll salarywill be acceptable 4 A line addressed to Qi and left at office will receive attention Satisfactory references will be given nov 30 3t AT PRIVATE SALE Afirat raie single barrel Eng lish percussion GUN of Damascus twist ith apparatus powder flask extra nipples game bag The above are all new and will her sold a bargain 3tk DYER? PUBLIC SALE VALUABLE NEGROES and other By order of the Court of Prince county the subscriber of Tbnrnas Mundell deceased will expose to public sale at the Ute residence of said Mundell (near Piscataway) on Thursday the 28th day uf December next if fair if not the next fair day thereafter all the personal estqte of the deceased consisting of twenty six valuable Negroes household and kitchen urniture Horses Cattle and Hogs the crops of Tobacco and Corn od der and other Provender a valuable and well selected Library Termsof sale: or all sums of twenty dollars under cash will be required and for all sums oer twenty dollars six credit will be given the puichaer to give bonds with two approved securities bearing interest irom date i THOS PRATT ts? Administrator A VALUABLE MAR SADDLE IIORSE Thia morning at A) at the auction store I shall sell a valuabte Mafe 7 years old She is very handsome and sold for no fault At same time very fine tiding Horse of easy gait Both the above are worthy the attention of persons wishing to purchase they are only disposed of bn account ed not sufficient use Also 2 close carriages or Hacks one a very superior one ALEX MclNTIRE dec It Auctioneer MRS Boarding House on Pennsylvania averiue opposite the Centre Market is th icudiness tu accommodate persons spending the yinter in the city or those visiting it transiently A family can havp cominodfong parlors as well as cum Tortable chambers dec dl By order of Ike Orphans Court of Charles A county the subscriber Executor of Gwinn Harris deceased will to public sale at Mount late residence of the said Gwinn Harrison Thursday the 14th day bf December next if fair if not tlA ext fair day all the personal property of the deceased (exccra negroes) consisting of household and kitchen furniture horses cattle sheep and bogs a very good four wheeled carriagekc Among the horses are two thorough bred mares and a year old coh but of one of themby Chatteaux Margbuux The pedigree of the mares may be seen on the day of sale 'Termsofaale: or all sums'of ten dollars or under the cash will te required and for all sums over ten dollars six credit will be given the purchasers to sive notes with approved security JQ' HARRIS I rp Executor of Gwinn Hairis I1URMS1IEI) JIOUE TO LET The home and furniture occupied by the laje on Pennsyl vania avenue nearly opposite BrbwnzHotcl wilt be let to a goodtenant for the winter or jlbnger if Persons wifthingtorent the' same will apply to Mr Walter Clarke at his store opposite the Centre Markt or at his residence two doors westot me premises VALUABLE SERVANT at Auction by AYrlglit Georgetown The very valuaWeZseiviiiit Woman and Child advertised by me for privaU Ate w4l be syld on Saturday (tu iuorruw) at 12 if not pievious ly disposed of at private sale Restricted to thwDietrict o( Co I urn uia rms at aa le dec 2t Cl Any Clerk whose salary is one ihoy if aand dollar not satisfied where he isjma perhaps with theaid of the subscriber effect an exchange tolus satisfaction A liiie through the post office will be attended ni dpc 3t MUHKU1TA TV The Cincinnati calls our attention to a fact which it makes perfectly clear that an article pub lished some time age in the National Intelligencer under the caption of Busy Bodies" was originally published in the Carolina Constitutionalist" in the year 1833 It is a good thing by whensoever written but the person who transmitted it to us in manuscript for publication as thougk it were an original communication ought undoubt edly to have given credit for it where it was due which it appears was to the present Editor of the paper in which the plagiarism has been pointed out A Public attention having been lately drawn tb the sailing of hfiTcuEit from the phesapeake we give the fol lowing extract of a letter from the collector of Mobile an nouncing his arrival at that port which we have obtained from the Treasury Department: Mobile Nbv 17 a la The schooner Bloommg Youth of Go tons burden and the notorious Mitchell' master were brought up to town this juoritifig by onv of the officers of the cutter stationed in ths bay had received a communication from a committea of tb0 city of Philadelphia requesting me to watch the arrival of this vessel and have Instructions having been given to Captain oster tq that effect the enclosed letter will show that he had done snjand found nothing I The letter of the comrnanling officer of the cutter Jef ferson states that nothing unusual appeared on board the schooner which had on boad four passengers from Phil adelphia two from Norfolk and a sailor from Key West G7aU tIRCUS The eytztrM of Washington are respectfully informed that Nr II BACON will open his Gymnas tic Cireus on SeretUh itrcd "near tlic Centre Market Jltnue ON MONDAY (THIS) EVENING the 2ih instint for six nights only I I 1 Price pf admission Box 50 cents PiL25 cents children un der 12ears of age admitted in t)ie Boxes for half price Doors open at half past six and performance to com mence at Jrtlf part seven J3" A good band of music will attend the performance £3'An efficient jtolice will be engaged to insure good order nov27 dlw piOR SAliE A new frame BUILDING and KITCHEN A with the piece of ground enclosed lying in square 631 and facing on New Jereby Avenue near the "railroad dejot There is an excellent well of spring Water near the door or terms apply to William Elliot at the City Hall or to Mr William Prout dec 3t BOARDING Mrs BALL respectfully informs the Members of Congress and bthej gentlemen that she stil continues opposite where she is prepared to accommodate them with or without families dec I AAIRS CANADA ''S5 jv 1 Burlington (Vt) Nov 26 Canada engagement between the Loyalists and 6 killed and wounded By the titeaniboat ranklin which arrived at 9 o'clock this morning we learn that an engagement has taken place between 200 of lhe British regulars and the Canadians at St Dennis in which the latter were successful' The loyalists lost 16 killed anti wounded "and two brass pteces: Captain Malcolm is re ported as rnortally wounded The patriot loss was hot Known It appears that the patriots have made a stand at St Charles about thirtji miles Wow Montreal and are repair? ing an oldi rench fort Their humber'is stated at two thousand or more will armed and furnished and that they have eight brass pieces I On ednesday a detachment of eiht hundred regulars and three hundred volunteers left Montreal with the (intention of breaking up this post They landed on Thursday and had taken up their line of march for St Gharlejs The advance guard consisting of two hundri regulars had proceeded as far as St Dennis when they? were attacked by he Canadian populace and aftdr a severe engagement driven back with the loss above stated On Thursday night a steamboat arrived at Montreal bringing the bodies of the slain when a pew detachment Consisting of the entire regular force in the city was im niediaiely despatched down the river' Thenext boat will undoubtedly bring us further and morirfiecirie particu lars which we shall publish in another bulletin 111 seems to depend on the result of this expedition the entire regular force of the Government is engaged in it The patriots have foundry at St Charles1 and are cast ing their own cannon i Reort bays that the patriot force at St Charles is under the command of two rench officers of distinction trained under Bonaparte Of this however we have no authen tic information 'ree Prese The Stobm which took place on Lake Erie and its bor ders on' Wednesday week was awfully severe and des tructive both of life and property At the town of Buffalo (N Y) the waters rose to an appalling height sweeping in their course eeventeenouses from the island on which the light house is with their numerous tenants many of whom arc known to have perished The builds ings destroyed were occupied by at least fifty persons of these bodies of fifteen had been recovcredT 'among them the wife and child of man kvho succeeded in swim ming from the island to the main shore The Application has been made to the publishers of this paper from our professional friends in various quarters to forward to thcip by the ex press mail copies of the Measagq It is a re quest we would cheerfully comply) with were it in our power But of the Message of the President at the late ses sion of Congress we did not receive a copy for our own use until after it was in general circulation nor until sometime after thedeparture of the express mails bearipg copies for the'favored few in every direction It was as much as wo could do to print it oft on dur press in the newspaper form in time for the regular mails which depart at night We have no reason to expect to fare any better tn relation to the Message that is forthcoming 1 Governor Gilmer has put his veto upon a re solution of the Legislature oftlie State of Geor gia appropriating $30000 to defray marching expenses of a body of about 1400 volunteers marching to lorida junejer the command of General Nelson of that State The following statement of the case copied from the Message shows this movement of troops to have been un authorized' and with jollier reasons stated inhc Message' seems to justify this proceeding on the part of the x' the account already laid beforethc House it is evident that the men for whose benefit the appropriation in the resolution is intended! to be made have been raised without the authority of thik State or the United States that thd requisition which tad leen made upon Georgia for volunteers to serve in thej lorida campaign had been previously withdrawn and that General Ncson by whom they have been raised had no orders find held no commis sion from either Government) justifying such a measure I cannot therefore perceivejhow the public' money can with propriety be applied lo their use They can only be xonaidered tis so many individuals directing themselves according to tbeirown wisher towhatsoevfcr course or puri pose they niay please that although they allege that they areon their way to lorida (they tire under no legal obli gation to serve against the Seminoles and that 'if they should receive the money and use it they would stall be at lilwrty to go to lorida SPEECH CHARLES HANSON Esa AT Tilt: WHIG JUBILEE IN NEW Y0tiK( Mr Ma yor: Signal as are the events which have con veued Ub in your city and which have brought lhe com mittee fronit Maryland which 1 have now the honor to re present in offering their unfeignedt respects personally to youwlf extensive and salutary as may be their conse quences to this btill enduring Republic grateful and self approving as mastbe the feelings of the intrepid and high purposed leaders in this morally glorious revolution this splendid political redemption) which it is the high privilege of all America: under the blcsringR of Divine Providence to cel ebrate and record yet becomes us as men and aft Christians as wary politicians and foreseeing statesmen to bear our un paralleled success with magnanimity meekness and humility to regard your victory not like a Inufaph over enemies but as a conquest for the good of our country not won for kxinselvcs but for the preservation of the Union Let us hail it as a rescue from perdition of the thoughtless the helpless und deluded as well as a guaranty of protection for the trfosi hallowed 6f all human associations your uivs and your children as a bond of peace and security fur virtue and patriotism piety and reli gion now guarded the laws of the laud? sanctioned and en joyed under the government of the Ruler of the Universe Efbancipated frotu th cajolery of miserable empirics rescued from the misrule of numerical despotism good sensei and good principles hae at length prevailed over the unholy alliance of fanatical tyranny and official oppression Some forty fyeara ago a celebrated toast of the well known CtI Aaron Burr was echoed from one end of Continent to lhe other The "turi on nQ honest When subseqnently in 1815 the sam6 Col Burr nominated lhe Hero of New Orleans for die PresI dency of the United States did he mean bv a unioniof honest men Andrew Jackson and anny Wright ijoeofocoe and Mar tin Van Buren! If he did the Aonrsi old soldier would then have spurned the connexion with aunyas ho now bewails the fraternity of Martin The partnership is at this very moment broken up Gen Jackson disavows lhe articles uf agreement abandous the whole concern to fraudulent bankruptcy withdrawable 'name just in time to fruur which the good old gentleman was always over ready to assume fully sensible that the words 1 take the nro no longer of cabalistic potency that even with the kingof magi cians at his bark he is powetless to convert all be touches into gold or io7metamorphiza a lung eared Midas out of the frail and Uttered material of the Prince of Humbuggers But the cliaoa of political quackery atheism 'mobs and even the black art has passed away and Light coiueth upon the faceof the I would therefore say to Ye Sover eign People of this Empire Slate ye rulers of the nation ye dwellers in the Queen City of the Western world ye self de voted Whigs of the now only Republic upon earth ye have put forth your irresistible prowess ye have risen in your strength and the'fo is nowhere Like the men of old who separated themselves from persecuting Saul and came to the rescue of David in the holds of the wilderness ye are men of might and of war fit for battle that can handle 'shield and buckler whose faces are like the faces of Hous and who were as'toes Mpou the mountains: temper your glories with forbear ance and moderation as you wuujd mitigate justice with mercy True it is that the sceptre of dominion never departed from die hands of David the favored monarch of the Lord but no sooner exulting hi his elevation gifts and blessings he abused hit power and revelled in prosperity than joy was turned into Litteriicsa and the priuce psalmrst and patriarch sorrowed to tho end of his days Be we sure then that we battle for our country and not for the spoils of lhe vanquished Let us al ways then remember lhe fallibility of human opinions and treat with respectful consideration all who oppose us The rights of our adversaries are nur rights proscribe not then your own brethren but invite them mildly and affectionately to tbe admonish diem by kindness and example Tolerate ven the wildcat errors of your most zealous and misguided antago nist bearing forever io mind that the blessed mother of Wash ington of him who through counileas aes surpasaedlajl other mere human beings in greatness aud renown uas a Tory through tbe whole of the Revolution A Tory though lhe proud and delighted mother of Washington uf the best aud foremost Whig of all the sons of America Let me entreat you then to cherish no unkindly feelings or uncharitablelispositiun towards those who differ in politicalviwws for arriving at the same the general welfare and happiness of our common country More "especially would I admonish you to greet with confidence fend cordiality all those who hav6 renounced their errors and abandoned the support of bad measures and inconsiderate opi nions and have lent to the scale of patriotism their impressive weight There are good and eminent and useful men in your city whom I met in Baltimore in 1332 during what was al ways called the Van Buren Convention and with them I cor dially united in sentiment and action I extended to these tbe hand of respect and good fellowship at that period a)d 1 am more proud to do it here now Permit me once more sir for myself and the Maryland committee (and indeed 1 might ven ture co say in behalf ot every individual of every other delega tion) to offer our testimonial of heart felt'thanks fofthe gene rous hospitality of all and respect fur the elegant and judicious conduct of the interesting concerns of yesterday by hw honor the Mavor aided by Aiderman Eugs and all others of his accomplished and efficientaupporters dec 3t Session tin tnodation of Mejnbers of Uon Jeo 2 TUTOR WAN'TED Wanted tin a highly rospec aK tableand bealthjr neighborhood' in the State of Miis ipH a Private Tutor of a finished English education thor ough historian and mathematician and withal uf unimpeachable mbrjil character On this latter point ho weufd prefera niitiis ter of one of the Protetant churches though this would riot be heh as indispensable The nnmber of pupils will not tie over fifteen aud a cfiuipeueatiun of 8500 per annum with board and washing will be gien it or further particulars reference tuav bejmade by fetter to 1 RISBY CHEW dec 2 at Nottingham Man land Asatvcn Novembeb 30 Pintket Khr Atlantic Summers Philadelphia to Shinn Co and full freight for the Jlistrict 1 Schoonerirew Jersey West and schooner Illinois Shutt both sailed in company with Captain Sumnen for this port Schooner Schuylkill coal for Washington Several craft withgrsin woo i lumber Staves 'Sailed Nov 30 Packet brig Virginia Rydcr Tampa Bay Schooner President Judson New York Schooner Joseph Slewart Oandell Mobile Sieatner Columbia Mitehell Norfolk Memobandvm Brig Wave Stoddart heuee at Savannahi 23d ult York' Ameri kills on the above sum which tile Bank of America proposes to presume on account ot tbe next instalment tatl Stated Meeting if the Columbia Ty ppsTa ph ial Society will be held thisievening at 7J dee 2 A'GOBRIGHT Sec RKipTICE TO CONTRACTOKS James Klrcr 11 and Kanawha Canal There will be let on the 14th day of December at the office of the Company in the city of Richmond all the sections culverts 'and aqueducts not then under contract between Richmond and Lynchburg on the line oT the James River and Kanawha Caafil Contractors who can exhibit satisfactory testimonials ot their ability and character are invited to examine work and make proposals The work now offered consists of three aqueducts many large and small culverts and nil the sections prepared for con tract between landing and' Riclunond and a few iso lated sections on other partsof the line AMist of the most important jobs will be published iii the of fice of the Cpuipany and all needful information svil! be given to contractors by the Assistant Engineers on the work CHARLES ELLET Jr Chief Engineerof the James River and Kanawha Note Should the stockholders al their approaching meet ing authorize the construction of wood instead of stone locks there will shortly be offered about thirty wooden locks several dams across Jameij river and about one hundred and twenty farm and toad bridges Jr nor 21 3tawcAdtl2Dec' Charles County Court sitting as a Court of Kqulty November Term1 83 Thomas Hall and Carter A Hall vs William Knott OR DEREU That the sale made and reported by Peter 'W Crain heretofore appointed Trustee for the sale of the property in the proceedings of this cause mentioned be ratified and confirmed unless cause to the contrary be shown on or before the third Monday in March next provided a copy of this order be inserted in some newspaper published in the District of Columbia at least once a week for three successive weeks before the said third Monday in March next 1 i The report slates the amount of safes to be S376 I EDMUND KEY Tnie copy Teste JOHN BARNES dec 2 tv 3t Clerk of Charles County Court EDITORS' CORRESPONDENCE 1 'A New York November 30 Thanksgiving Day The Ppople 'are too merry the sun too bright the weather too warm and every body too idle or would write you a suitable episode upon this memorable New England holiday As it is1 1 must leave the episode to you if the day be worth it i In the city all in a business way is quiet natiKS DroKers iiiercnants anq almost every body else make Thanksgiving a holiday and do no business beyond most Iibera'Uydiscou tiling ujion geese turkeys mince and pumpkin pies' The Bank members of thei Bank Convention ibwever riot having the fear of poultry be lore ineir eyes are in session juoing Know not what they still hold their sessions With closed doors and hold the Public in close hie 9 sl I However iwhat is done will i out for there are members of the Convention who as soon as they breathe the air of Heaven feel free to tell all that is done Yesterday nothing was doffe but to kill time by the discussion of points of order To day tbe Report ws to be made recommending as rumor says no specific time i for the resumption of specie payments but a lesumption when foreign exchanges shall be down ito 10 per cent instead of 114 andll5 per! cent as exchanges at present The Re port will be discussed at some length before i acted upon If it contains what rumor says it i does it will probably pass without oppo sition Tjie Convention will probably continue their sessions through the wcekjAUp to to day i they have done nothing but organized morning the packet 'ship North Ameri ca! arrived from Liverpool bringing London Liverpool papersiof the 18th October six days later than before received The Paris pa persof the loth say unequivocally that the city pj Con stantine was taken on the l)lh by lhe rench troops The London and Liverpool papers of the 17th add 18tlf ult both credit the capture i (Erdm Spain we learn that the gates of'Yalen ia were closed on the 9th 1000 Carlisis zbejng on the march towards else of importance from this sad country Spain therefore is as she lost to all that is good inisociety safe in possession or dear to man The monetary affairs of England' are' without alteration All of the English papers now be stow the highest encomiums upon the character and credit of the American merchants The receipts of ten or fifteen millions in SB'er for the good opinion John Bull 'now has of his brother Jonathan The (cotton market has improved according to the Liverpool oflthe ISlh i i A vessel came in from Canton (this morning vvith Singapore dates of the 15th July No news rom the town of Cassaldi in the harbor of Trinidad we have the melancholy intelligence that upon the 26th ult the whole town wasde I strpyed by an overwhelming hurricane But twp houses were left twenty or thirty lives were lost and al the shipping in the bar bor was badly damaged lor wholly destroyed! No news from the North or from the Eastf naeant nhftTp an li is nnvfnniiect until 1 in December next njovll a draftee made upon the London market which' if it rjnbt at least assisted to augment tha( pressure upon Britisb currency which commenced in April and which one knows has been continued with occasional fluctua up to the 11th March lb37 the date of the last advices which has been latterly augmented by the! additional de and for nearly another million rd" dollars thejamount of the 4fth instalment of the indemnity paid by rance in ebruary is not pretended that tbe whole pressureibn lhe English Ktiey market within the last year has been occasioned byftlie mentioned 'humble to restore 'the constitutional jur Other gold have existed amongst jkeiuonc by the Bank of America the principal depositc bank rin hv thn Itanlrnf ITntA in waaisuK ViatrOj'tlU xattd expedient by the rapid return of her notesyor payment io part of 1336 owing to the substitution Jn their place ibn)US10Ul tlio Western and Southwestern country of the jtotee gfMiine of General three hundred 4hd fifty seven 0T the practical operation of these two 4 soon the immediate interests of the citizens tof the United 4ites it behooves us now to apeak Ths contraction of the British currency aS every intelli ful observer know? has been to ereate a pressure for money England which has produced tbe following results Tbe market rate of interest has been advanced from 2 jotpercenL per annum on first rate commeiciad paper which had a tendency to keep money in England which would gerwtae have sought investment in the United (States British merchants' are prevented fromkccep ting with their accustomed freedq the bills of exchange drawn upon' jhipdients of American produce' British capitalists are less able than before to make ad raoee or loans ou the security of American stocks which cutsTa lame source from which capital has been heretofore sun plied (orout various internal impruvements British manufacturers are less able than heretofore to gt re credit to such of our importing merchants as require it The price of cotton has fallen since the first of January Ivt four or five cents a pound in England by which Americanhippers w'ill lose 20 or 23 per cent upon the (locks gone for ward an I by which our cotton planters 'will bq deprived of a corresponding or a greater amount as the fall qf prices at thekKtlli has already made evident And now it only remains for tta ho inquire 1 havq these tended to restore 1 rhe constitutit nal Has the importation of thirtv millions of gold ant noner nut al rirrnlatlan I bo tar from IL tnoo per has augmented as we have shown loan inci sdible amount Tbe banks all seem to have acted upon the print iple that their power to emit and keep their notes in profitable tireulalion was just in projection to lire specie they had un han 1 and accord ingly we have seen that just in the measure that General Jackson Supplied them with one million of dollai in coin they supplied the Public with three 'millions of do lara in paper So lunch for tbe soundness of this constitutio lai currency and now for its uniformity lhe 2d of January 1830 when General Jackson in his Message to Coogreae in reference to tbe Bafikof lhe Unit said that1 it must be admitted by ell that it has failed in lhe p'reaf end of establishing a uniform and sofind the rates of domestic exchange were as follows as appears from the New York Shipping and Commercial qisl: JTThc Presidents Vice Presidents Capiaios of Engineers Captains of and Captains of Prbpertymen of the several ire Companies of Washington and Georgetown are requested to meet at the lhe ranklin Engine House on Monday Evening next at half pt six dee 2 'rfe Rev William Apess of the Mohawk tribe of Indians and for some time a Minister of the Gospel among the Aborigines will deliver a discourse on tile subject of Mis sions to morrow night in the Baptist Church on ttiih street Vs commence at half past 6 7 The Public and especially the friends of Indian Tcfqrrn are' reapectfully invited to atlend Viec 2 The Currency rom the Letter received by last Express Mail from our corres pondent in New York (which will be found in its usual place) our readers will learn that the Convention of Delegates from the Banks which met on Tuesday last in the city of New York is likely to determine that it is inexpedient at present to fix upon a day for the resumption of specie payments and perhaps also' to deter mine upon some day on vvhitSh the Convention will re assemble to consider the subject We did not expect any different decision oh the main question by the Convention than that which is indicated because having considered the matter with the most serious attention we do not believe that the Banks generally are in a condition to resume payment unless with the hearty aid and co operation of the Government which instead of lending its aid continues to frown not only upon the delinquent Banks butupon the whole fabric of our commercial ss tern of which they constitute an essential part Nor do we believe that a restora'tion of specie payments is to be effected by resolutions of any Convention in which irh pression we are sus tained by thqhitory of the resumption of specie payments twenty years ago after Ithe Govern thent had by its improvident and unwise legis lation (or refusal to legislate) placet the Banks of the country in a position in whitjh they were obliged to suspend specie payments Conven tions were held at that time and thy ended as this Convention has resulted in tlojng nothing i But afterwards the Government haviqg' come to its senses and resorted to its power tb regu late the currency by the establishment of a Bapk of the United States the presumption of specie' payments came as a matter! of course and would have continued to this day if the Execu tive of the United States had not in the delirium ol inflated ignorance and in the most arbitrary spirit resorted to the veto power to break down and destroy the very best currency and the most prosperous commerce the world has ever seen Nowj as heretofore it is the Government which must lend its aid to the resumption of specie payments by the banks without wiiih it cannot safely be attempted We do not mean by the establishment' of a National Bank be cause we know that the sense of Congress in one branch at least if not the opinion of thq People is against that measure What we mean is that the Government must begin by acting in a spirit of confidence and conciliation towards the banks generally and towards its creditors Ey which and by other mens am ply within its power specie payments might be resumed universally by all solvent Banks in less time than it takes Mr regular mail to travel from here New Orleans i "Tbe rates on the 4th of March 1337 the dayafter General Jvkjon wrote his arewell' Address as quoted hy the same 1 to li per cent disco inL iat 'g 01 SiR'l states i tai i iub 8 MOUNT can accommodate mess of six or seven IT EL utetuhera of Congress and! their families Her house is central and pleasant and attended by the best of servants Hey time will be exclusively devoted to the comfort of her guests i none wnu wish io cnii wnt iithi i of Hotel on Ivania A venue strangers visiting lhe metr6polHs can alsq he accomnvxlated dec eo7t Shaves at By thos Wright Georgetown On Saturday next the 2d December at 12 at the auction rooms on Bridge street I shult sell viUumt reserve or restriction for cash one Negro Boy 4 years of age well grown 1 Negro Girl aged 10 years well grown Both sold foram fault THOMAS WRIGHT? nqv 28 Auctioneer Georgetown Household eurn evening at half past 3 in front of my auction store I shall sell a variety of urniture consisting of Mahogany Sideboards Bureaus Tables Chairs Bedsteads Beds Hair Mattresses Andirons Tongsand Shovels Carpets Rugs Ac 1 It DYER do do do Ha Let these two tablee epenk for themselves And now reader with all these proofs be re you of the total failure of all General schemes of finance can you read lhe following passage in his arewell At without asking yourself whether he waa really in earnee humble efforts fiave not been spared uring tny Ad aistration of the Government to restore tht tOMtituiional currency of gold andilcernnd orTUthing 1 has been dune towards tbe accomplishment of thia mnet desirable EXAMINER intil July and Ik Prince Georges County Court as a Cour I of Equi ty October Term 1837 George Gaither re Thomas Good fRl'ERED by the 'Court thia 18th day of October 1837 that ihe sale tuade and reportecin thabovejcaRC by Magruder Ahe trusteebe ratified and confirmed on or be ftretbe l(hh day uf January next unless good cans be shown tothe cunirary provided a copy of thia order be iblished in newspaper in the District of Columbia cr Stai of Mary land ouce a for three weeks before the aaid mth day of 'bouary next The Uustee reports that the property told for um of eleven hundred dollars True copy Teat 5 nov cp3w BJK151K ClIAMPAGNE WlXKsi rJustreeeived consignment direct of very fine Champagne in qukrtand pintboltles Key brand warranted genuine which will bn sold cheap Apply to Thomas AV Pniro Stone Warehouse below Georgetown or to airu Go 7th street opposite the Office ol the National Intelligencer I 3t 1 7 IAEA CH A lady who has been several yean engaged A in teaching and who is ossitsted by her daughters is de irdns of changing her present location undi would uh to un dertake the superintendence of a boarding fend day school Hr young ladies in some respectable neighlwH IkkI or plruKintly initiated town The course of intructiou will com prise the fol lowing The English language Geography Ancient and Modern History Natural Philosophy Cheuustrv Botany My thology Writing and Arithmetic Drawing apd Painting of va nouf kinds ancy Needle 'Woiks of every description ond inistrucuuu on the Piano and Guitar TestiiDnninls of character and Competency from well known and highly respectable per sons tend frpm the parents of her present pupih exhi bited i Application (post jaicl) to the office of ihU paper dec w3w N1STR SALE By order of the Ox Court of Prince county the eubsjci ders will sell at pnbhc sale at late residence of Thomas Og bourn deceased near1 Centreville uu Monday the loth ceudiler next (if fair utlirrwme the next fair day thereafter) at Ifll all the estate of aid deceatved consisting of number of valuable aervunta iof both sexes to bacco in thfe houses horses cattle hogs corn hay loJdcr and otherproveoder fanning utensils household and kitchen fur niture fcc i i Terms cash for all sums not exceeding S10 all sums above that mount credit purchasers giving notes uiih two approved securities bearing interest from date RACHEL OSBOIRNJ POLYDORE SCOTT 'd'mnistratora nov 2awtJa Uppr Marlborough The following Members of Congress have ar rived in this city besides those 'already mention ed viz rom Jiew York Mr Russell and 'Mr oster rom Pennsylvania Mr Potts rom Mr Cost Johnson rom Indiana Mr Ewing By A MclNTIRE rame House anti loi Orr Wednesday afternoon Sth inst at 4 on the preinUcH 1 sliall Bell a comfortable rame House with the IxX situated in the vicinity of the" Long Bridge being Lot No 2 in Square 266 al the southwest corner of said square fronting 30 feeton 13J street and runningback M3 feet 4 inches to anal ley and containing 3800 square feet ALEX MclNTIRE i dec AuLtioneer District of Columbia VVasiiingtou County to wit: ORDERED on application that the executors of Timo thy Winn deceased sell nt auction i the household lurni turc of the said deceased for cash giving notice of day of sale by advertisem*nt three times in one of the newspapers in the city of Washington i Temp ED ROACH dee satAmon i Register of Wijls 'WTEV: MILLINERY UST XV Miss LTURNER Pennsylvania avenue between 10th and llth streets respectfully informs her friends and the ladies generally that she has just received audopeped a handsome as sortment of Millinery consisting in part of Bonnets Caps eathers lowers and Velvet and Satin Ribands with a varie ty of materials for Bonnets which will be uuide to order inihe latest fashions I JS Dress making executed in the neatest style dec d3l I 1 LANE TUCKER Merchant Tailors north "side of Pefinsylvauia avenue a doots west of 4 street have' just added to their stock of' ALL (and WINTER GOODS a very beautiful and fashionable assortment of Cassimeres and Vestings selected with great care from some of the best iniKrting bouses in New'Vork also a general assort ment of fancy articles for gentlemen's wear Citizens strangers and nrihbers of Congress are respect fully solicited to call and examine for themselves Grateful for past favors our best eflorts shall be BfluniBLiiuii viiiu mar lavui charges wiu be mpuejaie Keuorttot 1 elec 3u w3w VAEUABEE SLAVES NOW IN pi are offered for sale upon credit nov 24 lin 144 A large convenient and well finiahed Dwellin with every necessary oUt building and And I sit iinrhAd hereto large Store Hwet with every necessary fixture for on a large mercantile business Tbers are a large Grranarity attachedto this property rj boj a dpw Store House fitted with shelves Also a long 'building with three rooms beloi stairs and4 inishedbove 'which can be used as one or separat teneionta'Stables S' TAN YARD At the same time will be sold valuable Tan i Yard and arm lying near said village TheLTan Yard is perhaps one of the m6st complete to be found in a country es labliBbrnenL The arm is productive and supptd to contain £0 acres it will be sold separate or together with the Tan Yard may suit purchasers Terms of sale: One fourth of the purchase money to' be paid on the day of sale or on the day of the ratification there of and th in one vear from the dav of sale: the whole to bear interest from the day of salerand to bseeufed by bond with surety to be approved by the Trustee On the ratification rfffie salej and payment uf tbe whole purchase pimiey (and tot before) the subscriber as Trustee will by a gtpod deed to executed'and acknowledged according to law convey to the 'y purchaser'or 'purchasers and liis her or their bqirs the pro ptrtyto him her or them sold freedeaf and discharged from dlcUimof the complainants or of tbe defendants and of those I elahuing by from or under them or either bf tbbm If the brnw of sale be not complied with the subscriber Reserves the to re sell the property by giving three ioticc of the timesmd place of wak at lhe risk and expense of the first pur ebssr Sale to commence at 12 1 T' az 1 4 ixi i vm 1 rusiee 0TICE TO Tbe creditornof Samuel Ciiildz derenved are hereby notified Io file the voucher of their claim in tie Chancery office witbin four it untlw from the above sate 7 JNOD BOWLING flW MEMBERS urnished A House tor Rent suitably fill two Members with their ladies a email family either with or without board Apply at the two story brick hiuse on street near the eon ner of 15th street dec 2 St IBS RS CARLISLE'S BOARDING HOUSE at LVJL the corner of 7th street 1 opposite the Centre Market Square is open for the reception of Members of Congress and their families dec 2 3t AN: OVERSEER I wish to employ an overseer on this farm To atnan who really understands his business and will do his duty liberal wages and good ac aommodations will be given But none need apply unlcsa be brings clear testimonials to thatetlect' Apply to Di Robert Grayson of King George county Temple Mason of Leesburg Virginia Col Edward Lloyd of ye Eastern Shore of Maryland or to me MASON dec 3taw3w a Clermont airfax' co Va" ONE CENT REWARJL Ran away from the sub scriber living in Warrenton auquier county Va ou Sunday the 29th of October RA WELL and JOHN GOVER apprentice to the House business The above reward but no thanks will be given to any person who will apprehend and return the aaid boya lonie Said apprentices are about 18 years ofa*gc They took with them a variety of clothing not particularly rec Hected nov 2lcp i A HALDV'IN' LAW" JAMES MARTIN and ALEX ANDER (late of North Carolina) Attorney at Law Mor bile Alabama attend all the Courts holden in tb city of Mo bile the Supreme Court at Tuscaloosa and the Circuit Court of the United States in the city of New Orleans July 8 CLEMENT )RSEY AQUILA BEALL Clerk of Coup Court JL above reward for the apprehension and delivery to tne or commitment to jail so that I gel him again of my negro man LEANDER SMITH (commonly called Lean) if takeii' beyond the limits of Prince county and twenty five dollars if taken within said county Lean is about forty years bld not more than five feet four inches high dark and well made ra ther gram countenance and affects ignoranca though he is shrewd He formerly belonged to the late Dr Culnwre Beans and resided in Piscataway "a long time His wife belongs to William Marbury Esq who lives near that village and 1presume lie is either therefor in the neighborhood He left my house on yesterday evening last his clothing I believe is homespun IL SCOTT dec 2 3taw3wcp Upper Marlborough Nov 30 ADJOURNED SALE VA? LUABLE By virtue of a deed of trust executed by Timofei Cpldwell will be exposed to public sale on riday the 8th of December next that largeand valu able property in the city of Washington at present in tbe oc cupation of Mrs Latimer onNorth I street in the immediate neighborhood of tbe Western Market Thia property well known as the residence of Mr Canning and subsequently of Mr Vaughan the British Ministers from the size of the build inga its elevated and healthy position is among the most eligi ble in the city Terma of sale will be made known at ihe time of sale which Awill lake place in frohlof the premises at 4 I RICHARD COXE Trustee Ac nor 3tawts EDWARD DYER Auctioneer "PUBLIC SALE VALUABLE RiAL ES rl 1 TATE By virtue of a decree of the htoooreie the of Maryland made in the case of George 4 od cabers complainants against rancis Neale Itnaiiua Pike nd others defeadanU die aubecriberwin offer a public sale on Tuesday the 7th day of November next in ihe tillage of4 Bpoedict Charles county Maryland the following valuable property belonging to the late Samuel Ch ildsj siQuated in said 'ilhge viz ATKACHEK WANTED to take charge of the Mod ocacy school near the mouth of the river Monoracy Montgomery county Maryland A single man who is quali fied to teach gdl the useful branches of an English education and who can come well rccoii luepded for sobrietyand atten tion will meet with immediate employments and liberal compen sation The situation is healthy 4nd thq neighborhood is con sidered a food one Ietters addressed to Joseph Jones William Trundle Warren King or to Benjamin White ps paid will be immediately attended to I citers addressed to Poolesville Montgomery courity Maryland nov21w4w REWARD Kan away from tbe kJ subscriber living near Piscataway Prince county Md ou tlie 15th August two negro men lELundTOM The former calls himself Daniel Bkooks the latter Tom Joice They ere dark copper colored Daniel is about 37 or 38 years of age rather slender made is about 5 feet IQ inches high has a considerable impediment io his speech when examined a scai may be found on the back of his right hand Tom is abonUBo or36 years of age stout inalle and about lhe same height Las three ofbis toes cut uff the right foot If taken out nf the of Maryland I will give 875 for each oftbem or if taken in the tate I will give $50 if deli veredto me or secured in jail su that I get them again rz HENRIETTA 0SBOCRNE not 17r2awlincp Piscataway PoTpMAC Aqueduct Georgetown Dec 1 1837 IjROWJSiAluS will be received at tliroi office until the20thi December next for furnishing the following white pine Susiquehannii timber to be of thebest quality aud free from wane vizz' 183 pieces vaiying in length 4roiu l3lto 47 feet by 13 to 1 20 fnches square to be deliverbd next Spring at the work or farther particulars apply at this office I i si WMjTURNBCLK 1 Major Topo Engil Superintending The Baltimore Patriot and American will publish the above tlirqc times and charge thia office dee 2 'tv TmRt ALSO a amall'piece of Land in the neigliborho id of Mount the first whkh was then subject to a deduction for the expenses of frdht insurance and commissions incident to I ic fmportadoh 01 Uie gmu The best eommentarr however upon the foil porpuions is to be found in the following article which is copied ironi toe utningron viooe oi me isioi yApni Nufolitax The last New an contained the following i The Bank of America will also draw the Rothschilds of Paris Toripwards of a million o( ImwIas ah rAint is? due under the Neapolitan treaty? 1 The bank having as we learn an open erpdit te a large imnunt upon the Rothschilds but being unwilling to avail of it tod er existing circ*mstances suggested that thja next Instal meat to be paid in May or June might be anticipated under 7 that credit I The Secretary of the Treasury are informed finding that the interest of the claimants in tbe present etate uf things wuld be promoted by availing of the present high rate ofex over any other mode of bringing home tlie Tunds and' thatfiothe extent of the same they might be used to relieve the community unhesitatingly assented to the sqggestioh i directed toe Messrs Welles lhe agents for receiving the in deuinity to payit over the Messrs Rothschilds ks soon as re eeivea to reimburse them for the bills drawn in anticipation I ru receipt It is for this sum acid upon this arrangement the Bank of America proposed ty pass the bills oi his hoarding this 6 Capitol Hiirorthe accommodation of Mejnber Sales This If ay BY A A two horuc Wagoil Car ryall urniture OnSaturday inoruiug 2d De cember half past 9 I shall sell in front ol the Auc tion Store 1 A superior strong well built two borae Wagon with painted cover thick tire breast chains Ac nearly new A Carryall Gig and Hamess Lc Alsoa general assortment of Household urniture as! Chairs Table Sideboard Bureaus Andirons i Good Bids Bedsteads Carpets Cooking TeA plate and Coal Stoves Evening sale of very extensive assortment 1 I ALEX MclNTIRE nOv 3i I (Globe) Auctioneer Brick and frame house at auction On Saturday next 2d December at half past 4 1 shall sell mt tbe premises the Brick Shop with the rame Dwelling in the rear on street near 7th nowoccu pied by Bnteler The lot will bq sold with the bouses fronting about 20 feet on street and back 100 feet to a 30 fixt alley This property is in one of tbe most popu lous and thriving parts of this city and is worthylhe notice of persons wishing to invest Terms at sale i nov23 dt ALEX MclNTIRE Auct Connecticut The election for Town OIU cers took place at Hartford Connecticuton Monday last The average v5te wasfor the Whig ticket 620 for the Locofoco 'tlcket 40 Connecticut judging from thist sample ill be found to have gone the of all the elder States of the Union thaLhave had an opportu nity of expressing their present opinion of the administration ofjniblic affairs Pennsylvania The Convention for amende ing the Constitution of this State which has been already a long time in session bufg having adjourned over to Philadelphia re sumed its proceedings in that city on Tuesday last The Nashville Banner speaks in high terrtrs of commendation of the address made to the Ten nessee Legislature by Gen Hayne of South Carolina on the subject of the Charleston and Cincinnati Railroad A public dinner was given to him: by the citizens of Nashville on the 25th ultimo i thefte ilver pushed amount of pu iple that their 1 and accord HTbe rates on the 4th of March 1337 the day uthurity are aaf fol low Richmood North Carolina Charleston Savannah New Orleans 4 1 i 3 I uS I Jy A I 'J I 1 'J 2 jd Ja tl II i I I 3 I I I I I 1 I if gj life Bithmond 1 percentdia North Carolina 2 to? do Charleston ljta2 do Savannah ljto2 'do New Orleans 1 tol do.

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Daily National Intelligencer and Washington Express from Washington, District of Columbia (2024)


Why is DC called the District of Columbia? ›

The new federal territory was named District of Columbia to honour explorer Christopher Columbus, and the new federal city was named for George Washington.

What is the difference between Washington and Washington DC? ›

Washington is a state in the Pacific Northwest. Washington, DC is a city in the District of Colombia, and is the nation's capital. Typically, most Americans I know say “Washington State” when referring to the state, and “Washington” or “Washington, DC” when referring to the seat of government.

Is Washington, D.C. owned by Columbia? ›

Congress passed the District of Columbia Organic Act of 1801, which officially organized the district and placed the entire territory under the exclusive control of the federal government.

Is Washington, D.C. in Maryland or Virginia? ›

Washington, D.C. is a territory and not a state, nor is it part of any U.S. state.

Why is District of Columbia not a state? ›

Washington, DC, isn't a state; it's a district. DC stands for District of Columbia. Its creation comes directly from the US Constitution, which provides that the district, "not exceeding 10 Miles square," would "become the Seat of the Government of the United States."

Why did DC give land back to Virginia? ›

In 1847, the portion of the city that had originally belonged to Virginia was retroceded, after the voters of Alexandria elected to leave DC, feeling that they had been left out of development on the other side of the river.

How old is the state of Washington? ›

Washington became the forty-second state of the United States of America on November 11, 1889.

Why does Washington State and Washington, D.C. have the same name? ›

Congress agreed to grant the settlers independence from Oregon, but named their new state Washington to honor the first president. Contemporary statesmen would have argued that Washington, D.C., was a city, not a territory or state, so the duplication of the name wouldn't be such a big deal.

How far is Seattle from Washington, D.C. by plane? ›

The shortest distance (air line) between Seattle and Washington, D.c. is 2,168.95 mi (3,490.59 km).

What is the 51st state in the USA? ›

Puerto Rico is designated in its constitution as the "Commonwealth of Puerto Rico". The Constitution of Puerto Rico, which became effective in 1952, adopted the name of Estado Libre Asociado (literally translated as "Free Associated State"), officially translated into English as Commonwealth, for its body politic.

Who owns most of Washington DC? ›

Answer and Explanation: The federal government own Washington DC. Under Article I Section 8 Clause 17, the seat of the national government is under the purview of the Congress. Today, the majority of the city is owned by the federal government with foreign governments owning their embassies and consulates.

What city is not part of any state? ›

The National Capital of the United States of America is the sprawling city called “Washington, District of Columbia.” It is a very big city, and surrounded by several states, but Washington D. C. is not part of any state.

Why do they call it the District of Columbia? ›

The name Columbia was apparently in reference to Christopher Columbus and was also used as a reference to the original 13 colonies and to the United States during the days of the American Revolution. The president then hired an architect and engineer to start laying out the new capital city.

What is the closest city to Washington DC? ›

Because it's the nearest city to Washington DC, Arlington is noticeably connected to the cultural and historical significance of DC and the DMV metro.

Is DC considered the south? ›

One of the largest issues is how we define “Southern” and what do we do with these labels. Historically speaking, any state below the Mason-Didion line and west of Mississippi would be considered The South, which Maryland and Washington, D.C. are.

What state is the White House in? ›

The White House is located at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, D.C., the capital of the United States. The Washington Monument, the Capitol Building, the Jefferson Memorial, the Pentagon, and the Lincoln Memorial are also in the Washington, D.C. area.

How did Washington state get its name? ›

WASHINGTON: May be said to have a truly American name - named for George Washington, "The Father of our Country." When the bill creating the Territory of Columbia was introduced in the 32nd Congress, the name was changed to Washington because of the existence of the District of Columbia.

Why was DC chosen as the capital? ›

Washington was established as the capital of the United States as the result of a compromise following seven years of negotiation by members of the U.S. Congress as they tried to define the concept of a “federal enclave.” On July 17, 1790, Congress passed the Residence Act, which created a permanent seat for the ...

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Name: Manual Maggio

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Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.